Ever feel like there is a constant pile of clothes on your chair that never seems to go away? Does the thought of Laundry Day on a weekend overwhelm you? Follow these 5 tips to kick laundry day out of the park and make time for that movie, cultural festival or Jays game:



  1. Treat Stains Immediately: Treat stains like wine, tomato sauce, make-up and others as soon as it get on your clothes. The few minutes you spend doing this at night before bed will outweigh the hours you will spend scrubbing it away over the weekend.


  2. Sort As You Go: Your new laundry mantra should be SAYG: Keep 2 laundry hampers at your closet so that you sort your whites and colours through the week, rather than going through the tedious process of sorting through all of them later on.


  3. Sock Management: The curious case of the missing sock is something all of us have experienced at some time or the other. It helps to do some sock management; buy identical pairs, preferably the same colour. This way you will never have to worry about pairing each sock while folding. Simply toss them into your drawer and reach for any two when needed!


  1. Fold Immediately: Folding clothes immediately after drying them will save you a lot of trouble; it avoids the tough task of ironing and getting the creases off before the big meeting or evening formal. Get the others to help; make it a family event!


  1. The Ultimate Fix: If you just can’t be bothered to go through the entire hassle of doing your laundry, just sit back, relax and call Simply Laundry! We pick-up, wash, dry clean and drop off your clothes clean and fresh, all within a span of 48 hours. Simply place your order online on www.simply-laundry.com and let us handle the rest!

Don’t let laundry day ruin your weekend; your family and friends are going to be amazed with the free time you now have to spend with them!

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