I can't tell you how many times I've heard a customer say: “I got this stain and tried putting baby powder or club soda on it, and I couldn’t get the stain out, what should I do?” Every time I hear this from my customers, I think to myself, “WHY did you do that. Oh God, now I have to undo all the damage that has been applied to the garment!?!  Then on top of that, I still need to somehow remove the original stain!


I request all our readers to please, leave the stain fighting to Simply Laundry. Reason being is that different stains  have different chemical compositions and each require very different solutions for removal. For most stains, applying the wrong solution will induce oxidation, a chemical reaction that sets the stain; this will make it more difficult and sometimes impossible to remove. However, had the correct solution been applied from the start, it would have been easier to remove.


For example, trying to wash out a cooking oil stain with water, or treating wines stain as if it were blood will induce oxidation reactions. So, if you spill red wine on your white shirt, the best course of action would be to dab it gently with a clean white towel to remove as much of the liquid as possible (don’t rub! It could cause permanent damage to the fabric). Bring the stain to our attention within the next few days; the earlier we are able to work on the stain, the better our chances of removing it completely (stains also oxidize as time passes). Of course we will try our absolute best to restore any garment that is pre-worked at home, but for the best possible odds of success, it’s best to leave the stain slaying to Simply Laundry!

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