For those of you planning a house party any time soon, or perhaps inviting a few friends over for a little cup of tea, the hardest part of the deal is to make sure that the house is clean before the guests arrive. A Persian rug placed in the center of your drawing room is perhaps the hardest of all to clean. Whether you are parents with little kids running around littering over the rug, or perhaps a cat owner whose rug is covered with a lot of cat hair, cleaning the huge Persian rug is perhaps a job you never look forward to. However, now with the following easy tips, it'll become a lot easier for you to clean your Persian rug.
1. Read the label
A common mistake most of us make is not reading the labels on rugs before washing them with our home-made mixtures of detergents and soaps. It is important to know that not all rugs are made from the same material, some may be made from wool, cotton, silk or synthetics. Nonetheless, you probably would not know what material was used in the making of your rug unless you read the tag. It will provide you with proper instructions on how to clean that specific fabric or perhaps will provide you with a better insight on the sort of washing methods you must definitely avoid.
2. Vacuum it
The easiest way to clean a rug is to vacuum it. You and your spouse can set turns to vacuum it at least once during the week, in order to clean all the dust that has been accumulating over it throughout. However, the advantages of vacuuming also varies depending on the rug’s material. If it is a woolen rug vacuuming it would be good for the wool fibers as it would prevent them from getting packed down. However, in the case of silk rugs it can prove to be damaging.
3. Shake the dirt away
An easy way to clean a rug is to take it outside in an open space and shake it to take the dirt off. However, if your Persian rug is difficult to carry, or shake, perhaps hang it on a clothing line and beat it to take the dirt off it.
4. Spot cleaning
It becomes extremely difficult to keep a Persian rug clean if you have children who keep on dropping all sorts of things on your favorite rug such as baby food or chocolate. Even you might accidently drop a fizzy drink and regret it afterwards. Hence, knowing how to properly spot clean your rug becomes important. The best strategy is to efficiently clean a spot the moment something spills on the rug, as a dry stain is harder to deal with later on. You can use a paper towel to soak up the liquid and a dampen cloth to blot the stain later on. Always remember to never rub excessively as it may make the stain even worse than it would otherwise be. Dap on the stain instead.

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